
官方网站: | http://www.ctt.gov.mo |
认证类型: | 强制性 |
证书有效期: | 无期限要求(产品生命周期内有效) |
本地测试: | 不需要 |
当地代表: | 不需要 |
标志/铭牌要求: | 无 |
模块认证: | 不允许 |
认可的其他制度: | CE FCC SRRC Certification of China |
详情及备注 |
Common low power radio devices are exempted from this requirement. However, Wi-Fi equipment used to provide public service is subject to type approval. Reference: “Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 468/2015, n.º 370/2017, n.º 44/2019 and n.º 64/2024 ” (https://bo.io.gov.mo/bo/i/2014/28/despce_cn.asp) On 19 December 2016, the MSAR Government issued By-law No. 29/2016 Amendment to
Regulation of Organisation of Postal Services, to rename Macao Post as the Macao Post and
Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) and merge it with DSRT, with effect from 1 January 2017. |
Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation
Common low power radio devices are exempted from this requirement. However, Wi-Fi equipment used to provide public service is subject to type approval.