Cookie Policy

Please read these terms carefully before using this platform. When you browse, enter and use this platform, you agree to accept all the terms of this statement/policy.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small amount of data that a website allows your browser to store on your computer or mobile device. Cookies allow the website to "remember" your visit actions or preferences over time.

Most web browsers support cookies. Users can set their browsers to refuse certain types of cookies or specific cookies, and they can delete cookies at any time.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies are used by websites in order to understand how users interact with the content of the website and to improve the user's experience on the website. For example, some cookies are able to remember the language or preference used by the user so that the user does not have to make these choices again when they return to the website. In addition, cookies can help a website to provide users with specific content, such as a relevant video through a website.

What are the types of cookies?

Cookies used by websites are divided into first-party and third-party cookies depending on who interacts with them. First-party cookies occur between the user and the domain name visited, and third-party cookies occur between the user and other domain names on which the website may rely to provide services. Session cookies are temporary cookies that are used to remember your actions during your visit to a website and can be stopped when you close your web browser, persistent cookies are used to remember your preferences during your visit to a website, and are still stored on your desktop or mobile device after you close your browser or restart your computer, the most common persistent cookies are on the login screen of various websites" Remember me".

What cookies are used on the platform's website?

Cookie type functionality
XSRF-TOKEN First Party/ SessionIn order to prevent cross-site attacks, this cookie is used in all form submissions to ensure that form submissions originate from this website. When you close the page, the cookie will become invalid.
sessionFirst-party/ SessionA cookie set to support the normal use of the session function of the website platform. When you close the page, the cookie will become invalid.
remember_me First-party/ Persistent Cookies that are set to enable the "Remember Me" function of system login. When you click on the "log out" link, the cookie becomes invalid.
The platform does not currently use third-party cookies.