CTTL issued the "Standardization of Ultra-low Latency Live Streaming Protocol Based on WebRTC" Evaluation Certificate

Recently, CTTL issued the "WebRTC-based Ultra-low Latency Live Streaming Protocol Normative CTTL Evaluation Certificate" to Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.'s "Tencent Cloud Kuailive 1.76.0 (version number)".

According to the compliance test scheme of "Technical Requirements for Ultra-low Latency Live Streaming Protocol Based on WebRTC" (FG-Z14-0171-01), CTTL has launched the normative evaluation of the ultra-low latency live broadcast protocol based on WebRTC, and finally evaluates the compliance of the interaction process, transmission protocol consistency, and control protocol consistency, and finally determines whether it passes or not according to the compliance of the evaluation indicators.

WebRTC TLC certificate

After evaluation, Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.'s "Tencent Cloud Kuailive 1.76.0 (version number)" performed well in the evaluation process and met the requirements of the "WebRTC-based ultra-low latency live streaming protocol standardization".

With the rapid development of live broadcast technology, live broadcast applications are fully empowering many fields such as e-commerce, education, cultural tourism, and sports events. Large-scale and low-latency live streaming application scenarios are emerging, and business scenarios have stronger and stronger requirements for millisecond-level latency for live streaming. Traditional live streaming is limited by transmission protocols and broadcast control mechanisms, which cannot fully meet the requirements of low-latency scenarios. In view of the pain points of traditional live streaming protocols, such as high latency, weak system scalability, and poor protocol versatility, the technical solution of the ultra-low latency live streaming protocol based on the WebRTC protocol can greatly reduce the latency, which not only makes up for the shortcomings of traditional live CDN and real-time audio and video products and services, but also better meets the actual needs of the market, providing industry users with more stable and lower latency live streaming services and more real-time interactive capabilities.

Tencent Cloud introduced WebRTC technology into the field of live streaming and reduced the live latency to less than 500 ms. In addition, Tencent Cloud KuaiLive can also be seamlessly integrated with other Tencent Cloud audio and video services, such as Cloud VOD and CDN, providing users with a one-stop solution. Its low latency, high reliability, high-definition image quality, strong interactivity and other characteristics provide users with an efficient, stable and cost-effective ultra-low latency live broadcast solution, which is widely used in e-commerce live broadcast, online education, telemedicine, live streaming, e-sports, real-time news reporting, etc. At present, Tencent Cloud Kuailive has connected to hundreds of customers, including many leading customers in the pan-entertainment, e-commerce, and education industries, such as Little Goose.

In addition to providing traditional information and communication testing services, it also provides evaluation services for cloud computers, cloud phones, cloud XR, real-time cloud rendering, digital humans, smart cultural tourism, online education and other scenarios, and will continue to launch more evaluation programs according to the development of industry technology, and update and iterate the evaluation programs, so as to provide the public with rich consumer references and suggestions in a professional and fair evaluation way, and guide the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

Contact information for consultation and business cooperation:

Zhang Shuo