Electromagnetic compatibility EMC is the most basic safety requirements in automotive electronic and electrical safety, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No. 10
is the most widely applicable automotive electronics EMC regulations, whether it is the vehicle or the aftermarket automotive electronic products, must pass the UN Regulation No. 10 certification in order to enter Europe or more than 50 UNECE countries for sale.
In addition, in addition to meeting the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility certification, automotive electronic and electrical products also need to consider:
- high-voltage electrical safety (UN Regulation No.100 Part I) and
- functional safety of complex electrical and electronic units (ISO 26262).
- Some automotive electronic and electrical products need to consider special regulations (such as ESC: UN Regulation No.140, e-call Regulation (EU) 2015/758, power battery safety: UN Regulation No.100 Part II, LDWS: UN Regulation No.130) and other relevant requirements
- Products containing wireless functions should also complete the EU CE-RED certification (DIRECTIVE 2014/53/EU).