United States: The FCC has approved the CyberTust Mark certification program for IoT devices

On March 14, 2024, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted a report and order on the CyberTrust Mark Program for Wireless Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) Devices. Pursuant to a further notice on rulemaking issued on March 15, 2024, numbered FCC 24-26, the FCC will designate a number of Cybersecurity Label Administrator(CLAs) as certification bodies, with the lead certification body authorizing some CyberLabs to conduct testing. Regulations will be updated to CFR 47 Part 8, and the NISTIR 8425 report "Profile of the IoT Core Baseline for Consumer IoT Products" will be an important reference for subsequent testing standards.

Click this link to view the original FCC 24-26 notice.