  • Industry



On August 2, 2024, GCF released GCF-CC 3.94.0, which changes the frequency bands as follows:

  • Deleted frequency band: none;
  • New frequency bands: DC_13A_n261A, CA_DL_n66A-n77C, CA_DL_n1A-n28A-n78A, CA_DL_n1A-n3A-n28A-n78A.

GCF-CC 3.94.0 will have an effective date of August 2, 2024 and a mandatory date of November 12, 2024 (GCF 3.93.0 will be valid until November 11, 2024).

On June 28, 2024, PTCRB released NAPRD03 V6.17. In terms of frequency bands, the following NR CA frequency bands were mainly added: CA_n26A-n66(2A)-n70A, CA_n66(2A)-n70A-n71A, and CA_n66A-n70A-n71(2A).



On May 5, 2024, GCF released GCF-CC 3.93.0. The changes in the test bands are as follows:

  • Deleted frequency bands: None;
  • New frequency bands: CA_3A-20A+3A-20A, CA_3A-7A+3A-7A, CA_7A-20A+7A-20A, CA_20A-32A, CA_3A-32A, CA_20A-32A_RX4, CA_3A-32A_RX4, DC_1A_n41A, DC_41A_n77A, DC_21A_n257G, DC_3A_n257G, DC_18A_ n257I、DC_1A_n78C、DC_3A_n78C、DC_5A_n78C、DC_19A_n78(2A)、DC_21A_n78(2A)、DC_13A-66A_n77A、DC_2A-13A_n77A、DC_2A-66A_n77A、DC_13A-66A_n2A、CA_DL_n1A-n28A、CA_DL_n28A-n77A、CA_DL_ n3A-n77A、CA_UL_n28A-n77A、CA_UL_n3A-n77A、CA_UL_n1A-n3A、CA_UL_n3A-n78A、CA_UL_n28A-n78A、CA_DL_n1A-n3A-n28A。

GCF-CC 3.93.0 will be effective from May 5, 2024, will be mandatory since August 13, 2024 (when GCF-CC 3.92.0 will expire at Aug 12, 2024) and valid until November 11, 2024.



On February 3, 2024, GCF released GCF-CC 3.92.0. The changes in the test bands are as follows:

  • Deleted frequency bands: FDD25_RX4, CA_25A-25A, CA_46C-66A, CA_25A-25A_RX4;
  • New frequency bands: 4G frequency bands CA_1A-18A+1A-18A, CA_1A-26A+1A-26A, CA_1A-28A+1A-28A, CA_19A-42C, CA_1A-42C, CA_3A-42C, CA_1A-3A-42A, CA_3A-41A-42A, CA_3A-41C, CA_19A-21A-42C, CA_1A-3A-19A-42A, CA_ 1A-19A-21A-42A, CA_1A-41A-42C, CA_1A-41C-42C, CA_41C-42C, CA_3A-41C_RX4, CA_3A-41A-42A_RX4; 5G bands DC_3A_n258I, DC_1A_n258I, CA_UL_n41C.

GCF-CC 3.92.0 will be effective from February 3, 2024, will be mandatory since May 15, 2024 (when GCF-CC 3.91.0 expires) and valid until August 12, 2024.



On October 26, 2023, GCF released GCF-CC 3.91.0, with the following changes in frequency bands:

  • Delete band: None;
  • New frequency bands: CA_3A-18A, CA_1A-41C-42A, CA_3A-18A_RX4, DC_19A_n257A, DC_1A_n257A, DC_21A_n257A, DC_3A_n257A, DC_19A_n257G, CA_DL_n2A-n5A-n66A, CA_DL_n2A_n77C, CA_DL_n2A-n48A-n77A, CA_ DL_n5A-n48A-n77A、CA_DL_n48A-n66A-n77A.

GCF-CC 3.91.0 will have an effective date of October 26, 2023, and a mandatory date of February 6, 2024 (GCF 3.90.0 will expire on February 5, 2024).



On August 4, 2023, GCF released GCF-CC 3.89.0 with the following changes in terms of frequency bands:

  • Removed bands: None;
  • New bands: SUL_n41-n83, DC_3A_n28A-n78A, CA_DL_n2A-n48A-n66A-n77A, CA_DL_n2A-n5A-n48A-n66A, CA_DL_n2A-n5A-n48A-n77A, CA_DL_n2A-n5A-n66A-n77A, CA_DL_ n5A-n48A-n66A-n77A、CA_UL_n8A-n78A。

GCF-CC 3.90.0 will have an effective date of August 4, 2023, and a mandatory date of November 14, 2023 (GCF 3.89.0 will expire on November 13, 2023).



On May 7, 2023, GCF released CC 3.89.0, with the following major changes:

  • New frequency bands: DC_2A-66A_n5A, DC_1A_n28A-n78A, and CA_DL_n48A-n66A;